Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Propane Tank- is it okay to play on those?

Was so excited to see this up and running, I learned how to scan immediatly. I was going through some of the pictures I have and in looking at them just laughed out loud to my self. Looking at the older picures then the newer ones, I wondered if playing around the propane tanks could have something to do with how we behanve today? Here are a few examples of what I am talking about. This is us playing on the propane tank, and yes, I used the old yellow tupperware bowl to syle my hair. Who thought that it was okay for both boys and girls to have the same cut, did adults like having to say, "oh your child is so cute", and wait for us to talk to see what sex we were?

Last year during the cousins trip to Denver, Tara got a little crazy. Did she really think she was going somewhere on that Bronco? I'm telling you the propane mght have leaked out and got into our systems somehow.
And what about Keil? Aren't we at a Bronco game vs. Texas? How invited the Cheif? Oh, I forgot he was taking a scouting report so that the Cheifs coud try to beat the Broncos. Was he out of his mind wearing Cheif's gear to a Bronco game? I don't think anyone liked us at all, espeically Carleton and his hat! Who brought the real Texan, again we are in Colorado, what were we thinking! Luckily we had Tara in her jersey, but too bad her guy didn't play for the Broncos any more, but another arch rival, the Dallas Cowboys. But she was still succesfull in getting the entire stadium to do the wave, right? or maybe she just gave it a great effort.
Careful Keil we are really high up and the air is very thin, it doesn't mix well with lots of alochol, only go down the stps while holding the hand rails! What was Nedra thinking being there with all of us. I guess the propane got to her to!


Blogger Me said...

I love those pixs from Denver. I'll have to post the pix of ya'll shot-gunning beers.

I still can't believe my mom was all in the thick of things with us.
But you know, she's cool and all... :)


6:02 PM  

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